Welcome to
Letters with the Universe
A safe, sacred space for you to write to The Universe.
Share your energy in the now with the Universe.
Release your feelings and the truths that you are ready to let out.
Thoughts that may be buried inside that are desperate for light.
Emotions that are tangled in a troubled transformational, web.
The Universe is ready for you to share your truth.
Are you ready to share with The Universe?
What are "Letters with the Universe"?
Letters With The Universe is an anonymous and safe platform where you can share your truths just like others before you. You submit your spoken work and each month we select a letter to publish here. We do not publish each and every letter, they are chosen at random. However know in your heart that The Universe has heard, is always listening, always there when you need to share with it. There is never any judgement, never any questioning, just love and admiration that you have shared your honest reflections and opened your heart.
The Universe is always grateful to listen, as are we, that it always does. And it is always listening, I invite you to hear how it responds.
Thank you Universe, we are truly gratfeful x
Letters with the Universe
A collection of reflections, lyrics and lessons learnt through vulnerability honesty and awareness of moments in the woods and brightness shining through the clouds.
Dear Universe,
Hello I just wanted to say You Rock, and I am currently undergoing a phase that is hard, but I know you will take care of me because,
I believe in you.
Me x
Dear Universe,
The challenge was real, the loneliness forthcoming
The connection a struggle, the overthinking brain numbing
The hurt was in the forefront, the rejection in the near distance watching
The happiness floating beyond reach, the questions constantly notching
“I have just this moment”, I finally allowed myself to hear as I let the clouds part
“Just here and now with what I choose”, and I asked the pain to depart
The train of questions will return, I carry no ounce of doubt
But for now, I can control this, choosing differently, it’s all it can be about
Today was a challenge, an obstacle, a chance to really fall
But I chose stillness of worry, smothering of fear, accepting presence, that is all
Thank you for listening Universe 🤍
Me x
Dear Universe,
I start counting,
My waking mind slowly ruffles into awareness, another day to open up possibilities, of repeating patterns, being better, talking in mind circles
The yawn is welcome, fitting, but misplaced, is it the tiredness from the sleep un slept or the challenges I know will come, relentless
I allow for a moment, the sound of breath beside me to be an anchor, a reminder of the preciousness of life unfolding in twists, turns, techniques of hope
These well worn mind tricks can today do a new dance if even for a moment, write lyrics of different snippets, tell a new chapter asking to be told
How do I re-write, how do I decide the journey so rich, so complicated, so confronting in chance, in unknown in truth and unspoken whispers
There is only choices of moving, evolving or stagnant with fear, which furrows and coarses, frantically waving at the circles not ending, but hoping for change
The chatter is silenced as shuffling happens so close, shifting and turning into a new pattern of breath, a more comfortable position, quieter, calmer, steady but peaceful
My biggest teacher, my shadow I selected with passion and vigour, the darkness I allow light to flicker on through constant breathing, being and fast forwarding to the brightness I know can shine
It’s my turn, for now, until I get to roll over once again, new steadiness, thoughtful meaning I allow myself to see
It’s my turn to choose again for this day, intention steady for this here, passion for this now
In this, I am grateful
I truly am 🤍
Love Me
Me x
Dear Universe,
Today I broke a pattern,
Some may say small, but to me somewhat large.
A way that I would have operated before I halted
Interrupted, questioned why
Today I broke a pattern
It feels so strange, so funny to have done
Not doing this thing for others
Ruminating in choice, in self-respect
Today I broke a pattern
It was a struggle, it was hard to do
But I did it today, in that moment
And what happens next is a smile
Today a broke a pattern
Will it be like this tomorrow, who knows
But the moment, the now is perfect
For my strength has led me through
Today I broke a pattern,
And yes it feels great!
Bring on tomorrow 🤍
Me x
Dear Universe,
Why is the flutter of the eyelids to the morning harsh light such a challenge
Why is the alarm that rings a crushing of the mind
Knowing this happens day after day, why Universe can I not find a new way
The strength of facing the day is there saying hi
Hidden behind warm limbs behind animals sleeping beyond the bed
The morning begins with the possum creating his morning noise,
His scramble and scurry, our morning unwelcome frustration
His noise, the background symphony to the thoughts flooding my mind
My nervous system awakes rings loud challenges hard
The day unfolds through the sounds, breaths, bubbles of beliefs
The morning comes each day with new possibilities
Tomorrow may just be the day I welcome the harsh s alarm full of happy hope
Today I open myself up to you Universe and ask you stand with me through today
Thank you, I am truly grateful🤍
Me x
Dear Universe,
Today is a struggle
Made me question again this choice
Upset my carefully mounded apple cart
Change what’s so go
It’s too much in this moment
To decide, to think about
Easier to crawl back into not knowing
Into indecision
The darkness is comforting
The challenge is still real
Today I am struggling
Tomorrow we will see
Thank you for listening 🤍
Me x
Dear Universe,
You heard my call, you heard me cry
You heard me fail, you heard me try
You heard my inaction, you heard my heart wring
You heard my sadness, you heard everything
You allowed me to misspeak, you allowed me to churn
You allowed me to help myself, you allowed it to be my turn
You allowed me to purge, you allowed me to step into power
You allowed me to rise, you allowed it to be me, my hour
You helped me forgive, you helped me not forget
You helped me see why, you helped me understand why we met,
You helped me find safety, you helped me feel safe
You helped me share the journey, you helped me not live in the waif
We have moved through this moment, we have moved the means to create
We have moved the mountains of inadequacy, we have moved the urge to just wait
We have moved the boundaries I had to shift, we have moved the actions I took
We have moved the truth I was hiding, we have moved the energy with a new look
Thank you for your comfort
Thank you for your hope
Thank you for your guidance
Thank you for helping me cope
I love you 🤍
Me x
Dear Universe,
Today I unclench my fist, I release the shackles
Those ribbons of fear I have been grasping at
Those waves of unworthiness I have been riding
I allow it to rest
The constant frequent and warring inner story
One I walk so well on the pattern I display
The self-loathing that bubbles and burns
Like the glass, I let shatter in the mirror of my eyes
I let it go
Now in this moment
Uncurling my fingers, watching the unfolding with awe
The new story here and now this forgiven spirits song
It’s my moment this second this delicate tightrope I steadily grace
I choose now not then, tomorrow or should
I breathe out, and let it rest
Thank you Universe 🤍
Me x